Thursday, November 21, 2013


Heavenist Ministries (Heavenism) is a non-profit organization meant to unify religions and break down the walls of intolerance which divide people.


Heavenism and Heavenist Ministries was founded by its Tom Appleby Sr., (The Heavenist) in 2003. Our primary goal is to bring to light via publishing on the internet informative Blogs, blogs, and through other forms of multimedia publishing our ideals and philosophy.
Our imperative is to compare a world divided by and fighting over religious differences to one where we all live in peace, having put religious differences and philosophies aside to focus on the present and future. We look forward to a world where we may meet other intelligent life forms from space, and where mankind may prosper and grow beyond his bounds the way we were meant to.


This is a global effort to awaken peoples all around the world to the fact that Heaven is here on earth and that we create our own Heaven and Hell while in this lifetime.

Religions are very divisive and they confuse people. Instead of putting our very souls and lives in the hands of some clergyman or institution to decide our fates - Heavenist Ministries focuses on what we can do to save ourselves in the here and now.

We want to stress that human global goodness and spreads outward throughout the world in a ripple effect. We also stress that God has created us with sensory perceptions through which we can see, touch, taste, feel and hear the heavenly joys here on earth.

It is important that we are all good to ourselves and to one another and these things are how we can experience heaven here on earth, in our lifetimes. We can draw correspondences between science and spirituality; so much of the content here will address scientific theory and the concepts of spirituality and/or religion(s).
~ The Heavenist

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